Heidi Siller/Eva Maria Waibel (2018)
Not pure harmony, but less of a power struggle – What do teachers and pedagogues think about Existential Pedagogy? In: The Teacher Educator, Volume 53/2018, Issue 1, pp. 44 - 66
Eva Maria Waibel (2017)
Self-Worth and Meaning-Oriented Education, In: Etherington, Matthew (Ed.). What Teachers Need to Know. Topics of Inclusion. Wipf & Stock: Eugene, OR (USA), pp. 66 – 81
Eva Maria Waibel (2012)
Erziehung zu Selbstwert und Sinn – Self-Worth and Meaning-Oriented Education, In: Rabensteiner, Pia-Maria und Ropo Eero (Hrsg.): Life and Responsibility in European Education. Euopean Dimension in Education and Teaching. Vol. 5. Hohengehren: Schneider, S. 103 – 131